Have you ever thought about the safety about school bus ?Maybe lots of people will say no, because they do not have kids in their home. However, now many of the school kids' parents worry about this problem a lot.
There were some school buses' additents made lots of parents begin to worry about their kids safety. There were not too much but still let them at least feel not good,therefore,
some of them opt to drive their kids themselevs rather than entrust them to a school bus.One
of the reasons they think school bus is not safe,beacuse school buses do not have seat belts.
Usually, in the whole world, when people begin to study or test driveing ,they will know they must use seat belts every time, even you are not driver but if you by car you should use seat belts ,too.However,nowdays most of school buses do not have seat belts.There are some reasons why school bus desginers did not put them in school buses.As we all know, now the population is growing so fast ,more and more children should take it ,but the cost of the school bus is expensive,therefore ,they need each school bus can take more children.However, if they add the seat belts inside school buses, it will reduce the numbers of seat in each buses.As a result, nowdays almost school buses do not have seat belts.
However, does the seat belts really is the mainly reason caused so many accidents? The answer is no .From the reaseah,we know that lots of kids died in accidents were not because seat belts. 31% of students die while boarding or getting off the bus, and also some of them died being driven by their parents, riding bicycles and walking.
In my opinion, the school bus should have seat belts, because it is really important to keep safety to kids. Even it is expensive but it is worth because everyone just has one life. If we know it is dangerous why we do our best to protect ourselves instead of lose life.
Also, as parents, they should not worry it too much, it is really happen but not everyday, every school bus, therefore, instead of worry and drive kids themselves, they should to
teach kids how to protect themselves.
Also, as parents, they should not worry it too much, it is really happen but not everyday, every school bus, therefore, instead of worry and drive kids themselves, they should to
teach kids how to protect themselves.
wow...school buses aren't safe... poor students. What's good now? Hope the drivers will be more careful driving. For the next generation~~
I ever experienced seeing front wheel of university's bus which I were being on.
Hi Cathy
First I just want to say that you have a nice blogg and thanks for helping me with mine.
I agree that school busses should have belts to protect all the loving children in it, but even if it does not have any yet (maybe an old bus) I still think it is better than every parent will drive their own kid.
Let us hope that all the school busses will be safer in a near future
:-) Alexander
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